Easy Post Submission
Documentation & Usage
- Created by: ThemeRuby
01. Install Easy Post Submission Plugin
To install the Easy Post Submission plugin, please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Foxiz Plugin homepage
- In the Recommended Plugins section, locate the Easy Post Submission block and click the Install button and wait for the installation process to complete.
- Once the Easy Post Submission plugin has been successfully installed, click the Activate button to enable it.
- After activation, refresh the page to finish the installation process.

02. Creating Submission Form
- In the submenu of the Foxiz plugin, click on Easy Post Submission. The Ruby Submission Admin interface will appear.
- In the tab bar, please select the Forms Overview tab to start creating a form.
- Click on the Add New Form button to create a new submission form; an input field for entering a title will appear.
- Input the title of the submission form and click on the Save New Form button to create the form.
- The new submission form that was just created will appear at the end of the list under Your Forms with its shortcode.

03. Shortcode To Create a Post Creation Page.
Post Creation Page allows users to create posts. To create a Post Creation Page, use the shortcode from the Submission Form and add it to a blank page. For more details, please follow the steps below:
- Firstly, copy the shortcode from the Submission Form you created.
- Next, paste the shortcode into the blank page and save it. After that, open the page, and you will see a Post Creation page similar to the image below.

04. Shortcode To Create Posts Manager Page
The Posts Manager Page displays all posts created via the Post Creation Page. To create a Posts Manager Page, add the shortcode [easy_post_submission_manager] to a blank page and save it. Then, open the page, and you will see a Posts Manager page similar to the image below.

There are several settings that allow users to adjust certain parameters for the Posts Manager Page. To customize these settings to better suit user needs, go to the Easy Post Submission admin settings. Click on the Post Manager tab in the tab bar, and then select the User Posts Management section to set up the configurations for the Post Manager Page.

Detailed information on the settings for the Posts Manager Page:
- Allow Edit Post: Allow to display the edit post button on the Posts Manager Page.
- Allow Delete Post: Allow to display the delete post button on the Posts Manager Page.
- Form Submission Default ID: This is the ID of the default Submission Form shortcode (e.g., [easy_post_submission_form id=1]). It will be used to display the Edit Post form if the original Submission Form for that post has been deleted.
- Login Actions Choice: Allows displaying a login option when the user is not logged in. There are currently two options for this setting: Show Login Message and Redirect to Login Page.
- Show Login Message: Displays a notification prompting the user to log in before creating a post, with two additional settings: Notification Title and .
- Notification Title: Allows the user to enter a title for the notification prompting them to log in
- Notification Message: Allows the user to enter the content for the notification prompting them to log in.
- Redirect to Login Page: Users will be redirected to the default WordPress login page if they are not logged in when accessing the Posts Manager Page.
05. Shortcode To Create Post Edit Page
The Post Edit Page is used to edit a post that was created from Post Creatio Page. To create a Post Edit Page, please follow the steps below.
- Firstly, add the shortcode [easy_post_submission_edit] to a blank page and save it. After that, copy the URL of this page.
- Next, go to the Easy Post Submission admin settings. Click on the Post Manager tab in the tab bar, and then select the Submission Edit Post Form section to set up the configurations for the Post Edit Page.
- In the Post Submission Edit Page URL field, paste the URL you copied earlier. Then, click the Save settings button to save your changes.

To edit the post, please folow the steps below
- Go to the Posts Manager Page, that was created by the shortcode [easy_post_submission_manager].
- On the post you want to edit, click the Edit Post button, which is the left button under the Action column. The page will then direct you to the Post Edit Page.
- After being redirected to the Post Edit Page, you will see a user interface similar to the image below. Now you can edit and update the post.

06. Easy Post Submission Plugin Settings Details
The Easy Post Submission plugin offers various features to help users create the most suitable submission form. To customize the settings of your submission form, go to the Easy Post Submission admin settings. In the Forms Overview tab, scroll down to Your Forms and find the submission form you want to edit. Then, click the Form Settings button to the right of that form to open its detailed settings page.

General Settings
The General Settings section includes general options for a submission form. Below are the details of each setting in General Settings.
- Post Status: This field allows users to choose the status of the post after it is submitted. Currently, there are three options: Pending Review, Draft, and Publish, with Draft set as the default status.
- Redirect URL After Successful Submission: This field allows users to enter the URL of the page that they will be directed to after the post is submitted. This field can be left empty.
- Success Message: This field allows users to enter a custom message that will be displayed after the post is submitted successfully.
- Error Message: This field allows users to enter a custom message that will be displayed if the post submission fails.
- Require Unique Post Title: Allow users to create a post with a unique title.
- Form Layout: This field allows users to choose the display type for the create post UI. Currently, there are two options: 2 columns and 1 column. The 2 columns option displays the UI in a horizontal layout, while the 1 column option displays everything in a single column.

User Login Settings
User Login Settings include options for post creation permissions and display settings when users are required to log in.
- Author Access: This field allows the post creator to choose whether they need to log in (Only Logged User) or not (Allow Guest). Currently, there are two options for this field: Allow Guest and Only Logged User, with Allow Guest set as the default value.
- If you choose the Allow Guest option, there will be an additional setting called Assign Author, which allows you to assign an author to posts created by guests.
- If you choose the Only Logged User option, there will be an additional setting called Login Actions Choice, which allows you to display login methods for users who are not logged in.
- Login Action Choice: Currently, there are two options for this section:
Show Login Message and
Redirect to Login
- Show Login Message: Allows displaying a message that requires users to log in before they can create a post if they are not logged in. There are two additional settings: Notification Title and Notification Message.
- Notification Title: Allows entering a title for the message that requires users to log in.
- Notification Message: Allows entering content for the message that requires users to log in.
- Redirect to Login Page: If users are not logged in when accessing the post creation page, they will be redirected directly to the default WordPress login page.

Form Fields Settings
Form Fields Settings include configurations related to the display of form fields on the Post Creation Page.
- User Name: This setting allows the display of a form for entering the username while creating a post. If the post creator is already logged in, this form will not be shown, and the username will be automatically fetched from the logged-in account. Currently, there are three options for this setting
- Require: The username input form will appear on the post creation interface. The post creator is required to enter a username to submit the post. Note that if the user is logged in, this form will not be displayed.
- Optional: The username input form will appear on the post creation interface. The post creator can choose to enter a user
- Disable: The username input form will not appear on the post creation interface, and the post creator is not required to enter a username.
- User Email: Similar to the User Name setting, this setting allows the display of a form for entering the user's email while creating a post. There are three options for this setting.
- Require: The email input form will appear on the post creation interface, and the post creator is required to enter an email to submit the post.
- Optional: The email input form will be displayed on the post creation interface, but the post creator can choose to enter an email or leave it blank.
- Disable: The email input form will not appear on the post creation interface, and the post creator is not required to enter an email.
- Post Title: This setting allows the display of a form for entering the post title. There are three options for this setting.
- Require: The title input form will be displayed on the post creation interface, and the post creator must enter a title to submit the post.
- Optional: The title input form will be displayed on the post creation interface, but the post creator is not required to enter a title to submit the post.
- Disable: The title input form will not appear on the post creation interface, and the post creator does not need to enter a title.
- Tagline: Similar to the Post Title setting, this setting allows the post creator to enter a short description for the post or not, with three options:
- Require: The description input form will be displayed and must be filled out.
- Optional: The description input form will be displayed, but filling it out is not mandatory.
- Disable: The description input form will not appear.
- Post Content Editor: This setting allows users to choose the interface for entering post content. Currently, there are two options for this setting:
- Rich Editor: This is a WYSIWYG interface, allowing users to write post content visually.
- RawHTML: This is a raw interface, allowing users to input HTML code directly.
- Featured Image: This setting allows the post creator to choose whether to select a featured image for the post. Currently, there are three options:
- Require: The post creator must select a featured image in order to submit the post. The form for choosing a featured image will be displayed on the post creation interface.
- Optional: The form for selecting a featured image will be shown on the post creation interface. The post creator can choose to select a featured image, but this is not mandatory for submitting the post.
- Disable: The form for selecting a featured image will not be displayed on the post creation interface, meaning the post creator is not required to choose a featured image.
- Upload File Size Limit: This setting allows users to input the maximum size for the featured image, measured in MB. If this field is set to 0, there will be no limit on the size of the featured image.
- Default Featured Image: This setting allows users to select a default featured image to be used for posts that do not have a featured image assigned during creation.
- Multiple Categories: This setting allows the post creator to choose multiple categories for the post.
- Auto Assign Categories: This option lets the user select categories that will be automatically assigned to the post if no categories are selected during the post creation process.
- Exclude Categories: This option allows the user to choose categories that should not appear in the list of available categories while creating the post.
- Multiple Tags: This setting enables the post creator to select multiple tags for the post.
- Auto Assign Tags: This option allows the user to select tags that will be automatically assigned to the post if no tags are chosen during the post creation process.
- Exclude Tags: This option permits the user to specify tags that should not appear in the list of available tags while creating the post.
- Allow Add New Tags: This setting allows the post creator to add new tags during the post creation process.
- Custom Fields: This setting allows users to create additional custom fields in the post creation interface, enabling them to input any necessary information. To create a custom field, click the Add New Field button, which will open the custom field creation interface with the following fields:
- Custom Field Name: This field allows you to set a name for the custom field to be stored in the database. Note that special characters should not be used, and underscores (_) should be used instead of spaces.
- Custom Field Label: This is the name of the custom field that will be displayed in the post creation interface.
- Field Type: This option lets users choose the input type for the custom field. Currently, there are two options: Text and Textarea.

Security Fields Settings
Security Fields Settings include security configurations for the Post Creation Page.
- Challenge: This option allows you to enable or disable a challenge during post creation. If the challenge is activated, the user must correctly answer the challenge question before submitting the post. When the challenge is active, there are additional settings: Challenge Question and Challenge Response.
- Challenge Question: Enter the question that will be displayed in the challenge, which the user must answer.
- Challenge Response: Enter the correct answer for the challenge. The user can only submit the post if their answer matches the one provided in this field.
- ReCaptcha: This option allows you to enable or disable reCaptcha during post creation. If reCaptcha is activated, the user must complete it before submitting the post. When reCaptcha is active, the following settings are available: ReCaptcha Site Key and ReCaptcha Secret Key.
- ReCaptcha Site Key: Enter your Google ReCaptcha Site Key here.
- ReCaptcha Secret Key: Enter your Google ReCaptcha Secret Key here.
- We are using reCaptcha v2.
- Make sure to save your changes by clicking the Save Settings button located at the bottom right.

Emails Settings
Emails Settings include options to receive email notifications when actions are performed on a post, such as submitting a post, publishing a post, and deleting a post.
- Admin Email: Allows sending email notifications to the admin when a post has just been submitted.
- Admin Email Address: Allows the entry of the admin's email address. When a post is submitted, this email address will receive the notification. If this field is left blank, the default admin email address will be used.
- Subject: Allows entering a subject for the email.
- Email Title: Allows entering the title of the email.
- Message: Allows entering the content of the email.
- Post Submit Notification: Allows sending email notifications to the author when their post has just been submitted. There are three fields: Subject, Email Title, and Message, which function similarly to the Admin Email section to assist in composing the email.
- Post Publish Notification: Allows sending email notifications to the author when their post has just been published. The three fields: Subject, Email Title, and Message also function similarly to the Admin Email section to assist in composing the email.
- Post Trash Notification: Allows sending email notifications to the author when their post has just been deleted. The three fields: Subject, Email Title, and Message have similar functions to the Admin Email section to assist in composing the email.
07. Backup And Restore
Backup Data
To export data from Easy Post Submission Settings, you can follow these steps:
- Access the admin settings of Easy Post Submission.
- In the tab bar, select the Backup and Restore tab.
- In the Export Settings section, click the Copy button to copy all the data and store it in your desired location.

Restore Data
To import previously stored data, follow these steps:
- Access the admin settings of Easy Post Submission.
- In the tab bar, select the Backup and Restore tab.
- In the Import Settings section, paste the previously stored data into the provided field and then click the Import button.